Monday 17 December 2007

Happy anniversary to "weblogs"

According to BBC News, blogs are a year old today:

Weblogs rack up a decade of posts

The word "weblog" celebrates the 10th anniversary of it being coined on 17 December 1997.

The word was created by Jorn Barger to describe what he was doing with his pioneering Robot Wisdom web page.

The word was an abbreviation for the "logging" of interesting "web" sites that Mr Barger featured on his regularly updated journal.

A decade on and blog-watching firm Technorati reports it is tracking more than 70 million web logs . . .

. . . In 1999 the phenomenon took off as easy to use tools started to appear which made it much easier to write and maintain these sorts of websites. Also in 1999 the word "blog" was coined as a shortened form of the original term . . .
I sometimes feel like I have a million blogs on my reader, but apparently there are 69 million more I am missing.


Viswanathan said...

"I sometimes feel like I have a million blogs on my reader, but apparently there are 69 million more I am missing."

I am struggling to read 120 feeds. :)

Anonymous said...

"10" years old. . .

crystal said...

Merry Christmas, Mark :-)