Wednesday 4 June 2008

Today a podcast talked back to me

When you inhabit a world of podcasts, you never expect them to talk back to you. I have my MP3 player with me whenever I am out walking, or driving in the car, or doing housework, or any time I am not doing research, watching television or communing with other human beings. I have recently begun subscribing to Jump the Pod, which I found from a podcast I have listened to for a long time, Doctor Who Podshock; the two podcasts share the presenters Louis Trapani and Ken Deep. Jump the Pod (MySpace page here) discusses science fiction more generally, in connection with the Jumpcon series of events. I recently emailed them a couple of lines (following on from a discussion on the podcast that linked The Prisoner through Jim Caviezel to The Passion of the Christ, and which I further wanted to link, through John Debney, to Doctor Who) and I got a mention on the most recent podcast. It was great -- really made my day! A podcast has never talked back to me before.

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